Who We Are
The Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (CSEG) Foundation is excited to be organizing the Earth Science for Society (ESfS) exhibition in Calgary Alberta. The ESfS organizing committee members are geoscience volunteers.
What We Do
This is a free, family-friendly event and you are all invited to visit our four themed pavilions including Energy for Us, Resources and You, One Dynamic Earth and Our Future! ESfS showcases hands-on, interactive exhibits demonstrating the importance of the Earth Sciences in our everyday lives. During the event, geoscience volunteers actively guide youth groups and junior high school students through the exhibits, providing opportunities to learn about Earth Sciences and about potential career opportunities.
ESfS Vision
The Earth Science for Society exhibition will inspire an understanding of Earth Science which is fundamental to public appreciation of responsible consumption, resource management, natural hazards, climate science, and environmental issues.
Knowledge of Earth Science is crucial for responsible collaboration by geoscientists, governments, and companies to find and develop resources for the products and infrastructure that we use in our daily lives.
Increased science literacy is essential for the students of today as they are the decision-makers of tomorrow and the future caretakers of the Earth.