The ESfS organizing committee members are all geoscience volunteers.
Are you a passionate and energetic geoscience volunteer and would like to increase your involvement in a fun and rewarding initiative? The ESfS team is taking the time to reshape and build a successful ESfS event and we are looking for volunteers to deliver the program. We are working on the dates for the next Earth Science for Society Exhibition in Calgary.
If you are interested or would like more details, contact us at or click on the button below to sign up with the ESfS 2025 Organizing Committee:
Organizing Committee Sign-up Form
Organizing Committee Chair – Julia Davison
Julia Davison is a professional geologist working as an energy analyst with NRG and consulting in geoscience. She has a M.B.A. and M.Sc. in geology from the University of Calgary and her B.Sc. in geology is from UBC, Vancouver. Julia has studied and worked on a range of interesting onshore and offshore Canadian and global petroleum basins, carbon capture, geothermal potential and renewable natural gas. After volunteering as an ESfS guide in 2016, Julia acted as the Sponsorship Chair (2017-2019 and 2022) and chaired the inaugural ESfS-in-Motion Science Odyssey event in 2018. She is looking forward to working with a great team and building another fantastic, educational ESfS exhibition in 2024.
The Chair is responsible for the overall coordination of ESfS, including project management, meetings and minutes and status reports. She keeps things organized and on-track to ensure the success of ESfS.
Venue & Logistics Chair – Melissa Sawyer and Vice-Chair Jeff Allison
Melissa is a professional geologist who is currently working at a natural gas company as an area geologist. She has seven years of experience in the industry. She has an M.Sc. in Geology from the University of Calgary in micropaleontology and biostratigraphy. Melissa first volunteered with ESfS as a university student back in 2014 where she was one of the guides and helped with the trilobite booth. Seeing the curiosity and enjoyment of the attendees first hand prompted Melissa to join the planning committee. The following year she was a part of the sponsorship committee and later went on to work with Exhibits and eventually was the Exhibits Chair for several years. Melissa is proud to be part of such a dedicated and hard working team bringing this very important educational event to children and families each year!
Jeff is a Professional Geophysicist with over 30 years of experience in the Oil and Gas industry. He graduated from Queen’s University in 1988 with a degree in Geological Engineering. During his career, he has worked with large and small E&P companies, as well as companies that provide software and services to the oil and gas industry. Jeff is currently the Manager of Geological Data Management at CNRL. He joined the ESfS Committee in 2020 and is looking forward to sharing his knowledge and enthusiasm for geoscience with the community.
The Venue & Logistics committee coordinates our venue and logistics needs. They are responsible for booking the facility and on-site goods and services, coordinating the ESfS on-site space, security, and emergency response requirements, and establishing designated staging areas for schools and buses.
Venue & Logistics committee: Melissa Sawyer, Jeff Allison
Sponsorship Chair – Natasha Morris and Vice-Chair Melissa Sawyer
Kimberlites, volcanics, carbonates, siliciclastics…you can’t find a rock Natasha doesn’t want to know more about! Natasha is a U of C graduate and has worked on a wide range of deposits- economic to hydrocarbon plays, that span largely across North America from the Arctic Circle to the Permian Basin. She currently works as a Geoscientist for E3 Lithium, proving up one of the largest lithium brine plays globally, here in Alberta. Natasha first volunteered with ESfS in 2014 with the Burgess Shale Foundation booth, and in 2022 joined the sponsorship division. Being able to connect with the public and knowledge share is fundamental for all types of growth, Natasha says. When Natasha isn’t working, she’s a ‘stay outside mum’ trying her best to imprint her love of rocks onto her two kids and Border Collie.
Melissa is a professional geologist who is currently working at a natural gas company as an area geologist. She has seven years of experience in the industry. She has an M.Sc. in Geology from the University of Calgary in micropaleontology and biostratigraphy. Melissa first volunteered with ESfS as a university student back in 2014 where she was one of the guides and helped with the trilobite booth. Seeing the curiosity and enjoyment of the attendees first hand prompted Melissa to join the planning committee. The following year she was a part of the sponsorship committee and later went on to work with Exhibits and eventually was the Exhibits Chair for several years. Melissa is proud to be part of such a dedicated and hard working team bringing this very important educational event to children and families each year!
Natasha and Melissa are responsible for leading the team which solicits funds from donor companies – donations which allow ESfS to remain financially accessible to the targeted school and youth group audiences. This role ensures sponsor recognition during the event, prepares the sponsorship brochure content, tracks sponsorship and exhibitor progress, applies for grants and helps coordinate the post-event Thank-you mail out.
Sponsorship committee: Natasha Morris, Melissa Sawyer, Tezla Hayduk, Pam Pribilovic, Marielle Hopf
Past Chair: Pam Pribilovic
Exhibits Chair – John Duhault and Vice-Chair Elias Carciente
John is an exploration geophysicist with over 44 years of energy industry experience, including over 50,000 hours as a geoscience interpreter in Canada and internationally. He is passionate about teaching the value of integrated geophysics through the storytelling of case histories. He has presented technical papers in North America, Europe, and New Zealand. He has discovered significant oil and gas reserves for senior exploration companies and numerous junior independents. He founded and led two private junior oil and gas companies. Mr. Duhault is the President of Starbird Enterprises, an interpretation and training company. He is Vice Chair of the SEG and a past President of the CSEG. He graduated from the University of Manitoba with a BSc in Geological Engineering. He loves rocks and the stories they can tell!
The Exhibits committee is responsible for inviting exhibitors to ESfS to ensure a fun and dynamic exhibition. Laurie prepares the Exhibitor brochure content, leads the team that solicits for ESfS exhibitors, develops the pavilion and exhibitor floor plan, compiles exhibitor requirements for venue and logistics, prepares the exhibitor kit, coordinates the exhibitor summary, coordinates on-site assistance, compiles the exhibitor feedback surveys, and contributes to the post-event Thank-you booklet.
Exhibits committee: John Duhault, Elias Carciente
Past Chair: Laurie McGhie
Marketing Co-Chairs – Renu Sahota and Hunter Brett
Renu is an artsy geoscientist, graduating from the University of Calgary with Bachelors degrees in Arts (Communications & Media Studies) and Science (Geology). For the past decade she has been involved in marketing/PR initiatives for energy and geoscience outreach. She has been volunteering with Earth Science for Society since 2016, helping with ESfS 2017. Before that Renu had been on the organizing committee for (formerly known as) Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Honorary Address 2015 ‘Exploring Mars’. Renu pitched and helped to organize ‘Earth & Beyond’ lecture series #ESfS2021Virtual in partnership with the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada – Calgary, and the Calgary Public Library. Renu will continue to bring her perspective to the ESfS marketing team as Co-Chair 2023/2024.
Hunter is a Professional Geologist with 5 years of experience in the mining industry. He graduated from the University of Calgary in 2017 with a degree in Geology. During his career, he has worked at the Brucejack Mine in the ‘Golden Triangle’, situated in NW British Columbia. Recently, he has returned the University of Calgary for a Masters in Sustainable Energy Development. Hunter is new to the ESfS team, taking on the Co-Chair role, and is excited to be involved with this team and organization.
The Marketing team develops the marketing and communication plan, works with the marketing team and other committees to prepare all collateral material and advertising, coordinates with other technical societies, connects with external youth groups, coordinates all branded event material, ensures consistent ESfS branding and communication, prepares newsletters, develops signage requirements, develops and compiles feedback surveys, organizes the welcoming committee and coordinates the post event Thank-you mailout.
Marketing committee: Renu Sahota, Hunter Brett, Ariana Pumo, Annette Milbradt
Volunteers Chair – David Karran and Vice-Chair Robynn Dicks
David graduated from the University of Calgary, receiving a B.Sc. with a major in Geophysics. After 10 years providing technical support, training services and technical presales for a Geoscience software company I pivoted into the craft beverage industry. After learning about ESfS from a former Committee Chair, I am excited to volunteer and look forward to working with a great team to put together a great event.
Robynn is a Professional Geologist with over 10 years of experience in the Oil and Gas industry. She has a M.Sc. in geology from the University of Alberta and a B.Sc. in geology and biology from Memorial University of Newfoundland. Robynn has a range of experience, having previously worked on various unconventional plays in western Canada, and is currently working conventional onshore Colombia. Robynn is new to the ESfS team and is looking forward to being involved with the organization!
The Volunteer Committee is responsible for coordinating event volunteers, which includes preparing and managing the volunteer schedule, preparing volunteer reference documents, coordinating volunteer on-site requirements, providing on-site briefing, recognizing volunteer efforts, and reporting volunteer statistics.
Volunteers committee: David Karran, Robynn Dicks
Program Delivery Chair – Helen Isaac
Helen has a Ph.D in Geophysics and works sporadically for CREWES at the University of Calgary, where she specializes in seismic data processing and interpretation with integration of geologic data. Helen has been a very active volunteer with the CSEG for many years, serving as a Director for the CSEG Foundation, on the CSEG Executive, and on the Recorder and Outreach Committees. She has been deeply committed to ESfS since its inception in 2010.
Helen is responsible for coordinating all aspects of student and youth group visits. She coordinates group sign-ups and communications, prepares the rotation schedules and volunteer guide requirements, coordinates buses, and prepares school packages. She also creates the Scavenger Hunt Booklets and compiles materials for the teachers’ bags and digital geoscience reference information for educators.
Program Delivery committee: Helen Isaac
Budget & Finance Chair – Annette Milbradt and Vice-Chair Cathy Martin
Annette is a retired Geophysicist, interested in geoscience outreach. She has served as a Director for the CSEG Foundation and also volunteers with other CSEG Foundation Outreach initiatives. She has been involved with ESfS since it started in 2010.
Cathy is a retired geophysicist, having most recently worked as a consulting reservoir characterization specialist. She has twice served as Treasurer for the CSEG and is currently Treasurer for the Calgary Association of Lifelong Learners. As a former teacher, she is keenly interested in science outreach and getting kids interested in STEM careers.
The Budget & Finance team is responsible for preparing the budget, assisting with coding payables, and tracking revenues and expenses to ensure that ESfS stays on budget.
Budget & Finance committee: Annette Milbradt, Cathy Martin
Speakers Chair – Natasha Morris
Kimberlites, volcanics, carbonates, siliciclastics…you can’t find a rock Natasha doesn’t want to know more about! Natasha is a U of C graduate and has worked on a wide range of deposits- economic to hydrocarbon plays, that span largely across North America from the Arctic Circle to the Permian Basin. She currently works as a Geoscientist for E3 Lithium, proving up one of the largest lithium brine plays globally, here in Alberta. Natasha first volunteered with ESfS in 2014 with the Burgess Shale Foundation booth, and in 2022 joined the sponsorship division. Being able to connect with the public and knowledge share is fundamental for all types of growth, Natasha says. When Natasha isn’t working, she’s a ‘stay outside mum’ trying her best to imprint her love of rocks onto her two kids and Border Collie.
Speakers committee: Natasha Morris
ESfS in Motion Chair – Lorraine Stratkotter and Vice-Chair Kirby Fromm
Lorraine Stratkotter obtained a Bachelor of Science degree specializing in Geology from the University of Alberta. Her work experience began in the oil and gas industry and focused predominantly in the evaluation of Western Canada’s conventional and unconventional plays. Currently, she is a consultant for the Geological Survey of Canada and in her spare time she is meandering her way towards a PhD in Geoarchaeology. Lorraine has been active over the years in sharing her love of the natural world with her three children, two grandchildren as well as as a Girl Guide Leader, Scout Leader, school parent volunteer, APEGA volunteer and member of the Archaeological Society of Alberta and the Alberta Paleontological Society. Lorraine volunteered at the ESfS November 2022 Exhibition and joined the ESfS organizing committee in 2023.
The ESfS in Motion committee organizes the Yukon Dan gold panning exhibit, the ESfS Fossil station, and the Geoscience Activity tables at ESfS every March.
ESfS has developed travelling exhibits that we can take to science education and outreach events or add as a booth at ESfS. We’ve participated in Science Odyssey in May 2017, 2018, & 2019, Science Literacy Week in September 2018 & 2019, and the APEGA Rock & Fossil Clinic 2022.
The ESfS in Motion travelling exhibits showcase four fun and interactive stations: the Explore Space Station, the Trilobite Fossil Station, the Rock Cycle Station and the Our Changing World Station. Visitors investigate space travel and our solar system at the Explore Space Station. The Trilobite Fossil Station allows participants to touch, identify and classify trilobite fossils. The Rock Cycle Station has sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks and mineral samples to examine. The Our Changing World Station has activities related to plate tectonics and seismic methods.
ESfS in Motion committee: Lorraine Stratkotter, Kirby Fromm, David Karran
Past Chair: Tezla Hayduk
ESfS Administrator – Alyssa Middleton
The ESfS Administrator manages bookings, accounts & contracts (venue, suppliers, buses, marketing) on behalf of the CSEG Foundation, sends invoices and records payments, tracks and manages receivables, ensures payment of expenses by credit card, and provides support for orders – venue, venue suppliers, buses, schools, exhibitors, sponsors, student and educator materials, volunteers and volunteer materials, printing, and media/marketing.